Fire services
Effective alert and warning systems for fire services
Until the year 2004, the fire service signal (Cis-Gis) could be programmed on stationary siren systems for the protection of the civil population. During a major event, such as a blaze or pollution of drinking water, the population at risk could be alerted via the stationary siren system. At the same time, fire fighters would be alarmed and mobilised for the deployment via the Cis-Gis signal. The period between alerting and the time to the deployment site is critical and should be kept as short as possible.
Due to a legislative change, the programming of the fire service signal on the siren for civil protection is no longer permitted. Independent siren systems for fire services have to be installed.
With the pneumatic and electronic systems from Kockum Sonics, fire services are still able to trigger a large-scale alarm via the signal Cis-Gis to mobilise fire fighters. Our systems have proven themselves in practice since 1961. They operate independently and are an optimal addition to radio/mobile communication systems (pager systems, alerting via SMS). The systems are completely network-independent and function faultlessly during longer-lasting power failures and a collapse of the entire communication network. The siren is usually installed on the fire department building. The alarm triggering of the siren occurs by manual release via a button.
Image: Schutz & Rettung, fire station, city of Zurich