
Mobile siren ET500 mobil

Multifunctional and user-friendly

Multifunctional and user-friendly

The TYFONIC® ET 500 mobile siren is an alternative to the SirMobile. This mobile siren can be operated with the same control unit as the SirMobile and the fields of application and technical characteristics are almost identical. Given its robust construction and use of high-quality materials (aluminium), the mobile siren loudspeaker is sturdier and more resistant then other mobile sirens. The sound quality conforms to the high standards of the TYFONIC® products.

The TYFONIC® ET 500 mobile includes a suction foot and a compact amplifier. The units can be delivered in a convenient transport box made of high-quality plastic.

The TYFONIC® ET 500 complies with the requirements from the Federal Office of Civil Protection (FOCP) and has been tested and certified by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS).

Product features

Quick and easy mounting

Spare parts warranty guaranteed

Versatile and multifunctional


Robust and resistant construction

Excellent material properties

Very high acoustic power and reach

Optimal 360° sound radiation

LED-flashlight on spherical loudspeaker available on request


Latest digital sound technology

User-friendly control unit with push buttons and handle

Test function with reduced acoustic power

Power supply via cigarette lighter, on-board socket or via power bank

Live speech announcements via microphone

Recording function of voice announcements and emergency messages

Permanent replay of acoustic signal configurable

Replay of alarm signals and audio playback via Smartphone possible

Fact sheet