Emergency coordination

Emergency coordination software Momentum PRO by sureVIVE

Saving more lives through effective coordination of emergency services

Saving lives with Momentum PRO

Imagine a situation in a busy city: An emergency call reaches the control center – a person has suddenly collapsed and needs urgent medical assistance. With Momentum PRO from sureVIVE, the control center can immediately locate the nearest defibrillator and the available emergency services on an interactive map and direct them to the scene. Even before the emergency services arrive, a live stream from the scene is activated, giving the control center a comprehensive overview of the situation in real time. At the same time, important information is transmitted directly to the approaching rescue vehicle. On site, the software also shows which other emergency services are arriving to ensure seamless coordination.


Thanks to the precise coordination and uniform situational awareness provided by Momentum PRO, the person can be resuscitated in good time – a rescue that might not have been as successful without this advanced software. Momentum PRO makes a decisive contribution to the efficiency and effectiveness of rescue operations.

Efficient evacuation with Momentum PRO

Momentum PRO is not only invaluable for the emergency coordination of rescue teams, but also plays a central role in the efficient execution of evacuations.

By integrating real-time data and geographical information, the software enables precise coordination of evacuation measures, ensuring that all relevant emergency personnel are optimally positioned and informed. Momentum PRO combined with traditional warning systems such as our sirens provide a comprehensive 360° safety system that not only ensures a rapid and targeted response in the event of an emergency, but also guarantees reliable alerting and coordination in crisis situations such as a blackout. This integrated system ensures that the safety and well-being of all those affected comes first, both in everyday emergencies and in extraordinary crises.

Product features

Georeferenced alerting

Calculation of the journey time

Defibrillator map

Video streaming from the site

Alerting according to schedules

Uniform situation picture also on site

Alerting via various channels

Secure data storage